
Archive for May, 2021

both ends

an hour after dawn 
spring smell of trees 
birds singing 
street innocent of traffic 
under the cloudless blue 
beautiful moment 

day follows 

until spent I go 
emerging from a tomb 
to walk among the flowers once more 
bathed in golden rays 
in every way 
a beloved child 

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The Rubenoff Project’s new single with a “B” side on Bandcamp.

Both tunes are mainstream Project pieces – in other words the same caterwalling and growling y’all are used to.

Track one is “Can’t Say,” a song about stuff I don’t know. Needless to say it could be much, much longer than it is.

Track two is “‘S’ All On You” because it is.

Stop by and have a listen.

Categories: Uncategorized


Revisiting “It All Gets Done.”

There are a couple of tunes on this album that I remember with a little extra fondness, like children who you can never tell that you like them just a little better than their siblings, though you love them all with all your heart.

Understanding is such a one, as it is a remembrance of a time of rapid-fire sojourns with a large cast of characters in a succession of crowded venues where I always seemed to be redundant. More than anything else, this tune is about the largely unknowable nature of relationship in the messy and often unsettling moments of our lives.

Sometimes connection is imaginary.

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